The Millstone Valley Scenic Byway received national and state designation for its scenic beauty, historic importance, and environmental integrity. Located in the beautiful Millstone Valley of central 

Millstone Valley Scenic Byway Driving Tour

The Driving Tour is meant to be printed and read by a passenger in the car. See the Millstone Valley Scenic Byway Audio Driving Tour for a tour that can be downloaded to a smartphone and used safely by an individual.

The Millstone River Valley is a historically significant area in Somerset County that offers some of the most scenic drives anywhere in New Jersey. The valley is home to a 27-mile travel loop, the Millstone Valley National Scenic Byway. On your trip through the valley, drive slowly. There is a seasonal Byway Center on the Causeway in Griggstown. It’s open weekends 1-4 from May through October. Next to the Center is a place where canoes and kayaks are available for rental.

Take a walk along the canal towpath, ride your bicycle through the Six Mile Run Reservoir area, or stop for a picnic near the canal. Allow at least an hour—ideally two or three—for your tour of the Millstone Valley. We’re confident you’ll remember your visit to the Millstone Valley for years to come.